In this article we are going to talk about security guard jobs in Canada. In the article we are going to answer a number of frequently asked questions about Canada security guard jobs. Like who is eligible to work as a security guard in Canada? How can one get Canada security guard job or can the non-national (people living outside Canada) apply for this job? So I would suggest you to go till the end of the article without skipping a bit of it. This article is especially for those who are already working in this field in another country and want to move to Canada in the same field (profession) and for those who are looking for a good carrier in Canada.
Security guard jobs in Canada are one of the best and finest jobs that one can get in Canada. The job offers good salary packages along with free boarding and lodging facilities and if you get hired by a leading security providing company you may also get free insurance coverage along with free travelling facilities. So without further ado let us go in the detail of Canada security guard jobs.
People who enter Canada by any means like on a visit visa or by obtaining PR, they often face problems regarding the jobs. They are confused in finding and choosing a job and the ones who have not done job before (in their own country) are quite incapable of finding and doing a job in Canada too. Similarly if you have been working in your own country it is definite that you will do the job in Canada too.
I want to tell you something about security guard job that this jobs its requirements and the way it is done differs for country to country. I mean to say that the security guard job in Canada is quite different from the sane job in the third world countries. In this article we are going to target security guard job in Canada specifically and all the things that we will mention will be for Canada only. However there might be some similarities in the job with countries like USA, Australia or even UK but we are not proclaiming that all of them would be the same. So let us now get started for the thing about which this article is all about.
The first thing that you will be acquired when you get to Canada either on a tourist visa or by obtaining PR is character certificate that you will obtain from the Canadian police department. In the process they will do a background check on you and find out if you have any criminal record or not. The next thing that you would be acquired to obtain is a child abuse certificate (showing your credibility) from the Canadian government. To obtain both of these certificates it would take between 8 to 10 days. Once you have both of these certificates than you have to go to security guard training agencies of security guards.
There you would get the training but don’t worry it’s not going to be combat and arm trainings. That will mostly be about the protocols and responsibilities that you should be aware of before getting security guard job in Canada. Once you have your training in one of these institutes and have got a passing certificate you are good to go. Sometimes the training institutes offer you the security guard job because apart from the training institutes they often provide security assistance to their clients.
Once you get hired you will be getting 14 Canadian dollars per hour and you will get 40 weekly hours and that definitely is a good salary. So now you know all that how you can get this job so I would recommend you to stop being lazy and get a security guard job in Canada today.