Job selection is a very important decision that every single individual has to take whenever he / she steps into the professional unless the individual owns a business. In this article we are going to discuss one job that interests me the most. That is the jobs in the hospitality industry and the country that we have selected is Dubai. We have chosen Dubai because of the fact that it owns one of the largest hospitality industries in the world. The hospitality industry normally includes loges, restaurants, motels and hotels but in this article we are going to target the hotels and hotel jobs in Dubai.
Hotel by itself lies as a giant in the hotel industry because it is the combination of the services offered by lodges, motels and restaurants. It will not be amazement for you if I introduce you to the fact that Dubai is one of the most favourite tourist’s destinations in the world. People from all around the world visit Dubai once in a while. This is the reason that the hospitality industry/ hotels in Dubai are so active. It has been estimated that each year Dubai hosts millions of tourists. It is obvious that to host so many tourists and make sure that their experience was worth remembering one would need a lot of man power. That is one of the reasons behind the fact that the hiring and recruitment for staff in Dubai hotels never stops. In fact throughout the year people are getting hired for Dubai hotels.
Now the reason that I choose jobs in Dubai hotels is because it is a place that involves and acquires each and every skill and expertise. Hotel is large industry and the scales on which its operations are performed are gigantic. To establish my point let me elaborate the mentioned statement further. A single hotel provides so many different services like, accommodation, food, spas, entertainment, laundry, traveling and so on. Now if we talk about only the mentioned services let me tell you that how many skills are acquired to successfully one the mentioned services. Managers, chefs, waiters, house job, technical support staff, washers, cleaners, security guards, drivers and to astonish you further each of the mentioned job involves several other assistants, helping and supporting staff with them.
Eligibility Criteria for Hotel jobs in Dubai
Unlike the third world countries Dubai is very well established and well reputed emirate. There for the procedure to get job in Dubai hotels is different. First of all let me tell you that Dubai has the most prestigious, exotic and biggest chain of hotels that has maintained its name, standards and credibility all over the world. Therefore the hiring for the staff in Dubai hotels is done by being very cautious and sensitive, as the name of the hotels is at stake. For the purpose most of the jobs require professional education, courses and certification. Even the hiring of waiters for Dubai hotels is done if you have done the certification from a well reputed institute or in some cases the hiring authorities may ask for the recommendations. However for some jobs in Dubai hotels acquires only the expertise in the relevant skill. The recruitment for staff in Dubai hotels is done purely on merit basis, the good part is that you can apply even if you are live overseas and are a foreign national. But if you are a foreign national you must have some other things like a valid passport, character and medical certificate.
How to Apply for job in Dubai Hotel?
The application procedure for acquiring job in Dubai hotels involves few steps. First you have to keep a keen eye on the job announcements for staff recruitment in Dubai hotels. The advertisement for job in Dubai hotels is normally done in newspapers and job portals. Once you have found the one that suits you the next step is applying for the job. The procedure to apply for job in Dubai hotel will be given along with the job ad. Once you have done this wait for the call from the hiring authorities further instructions will be provided by them.
Job in Dubai hotel is a life time experience, so don’t waste time apply for a job in Dubai hotel today to enjoy and experience that you will never forget.