Production Supervisor jobs in Dubai (Chips factory)

A reputable chips compnay wants a Production Supervisor job in Dubai. The Location of the job is Dubai. The company offers full-time permanent job positions with a lot of other facilities.

The company gives equal opportunities for all people applying from anywhere in the world. However, provides all essential facilities to the employees including Housing, Medical, Insurance, and Overtime.

Production Supervisor jobs in Dubai

More details about these jobs are as below:


AED 5000 TO 7000 per month

Educational Requirements

A secondary school certificate with strong knowledge of their company’s products and services.

Apply Also: Water Factory Supervisor Required in Dubai

Experience Required

1 to 2 years of experience.

Job Description

Being a Production Supervisor at a chips factory in Dubai is no ordinary task. A job description of this role entails overseeing the entire production process, from raw material procurement to final product packaging. It requires an individual with acute attention to detail, exceptional leadership skills, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

One key responsibility of a Production Supervisor in a chips factory is ensuring efficiency and productivity levels are met. This involves monitoring production lines, identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and implementing strategies to improve overall output. Additionally, maintaining quality control standards is paramount. The supervisor must enforce adherence to food safety regulations, conduct regular equipment checks and maintenance procedures, as well as manage inventory levels effectively.

Another crucial aspect of the job involves managing and motivating a diverse team of production workers. Possessing strong interpersonal skills is vital for building effective working relationships with employees from different cultural backgrounds who may have varying skill sets or experiences. A successful supervisor fosters teamwork and creates an environment that encourages continuous improvement while simultaneously addressing any conflict or performance issues that arise.

In the dynamic world of chip manufacturing in Dubai’s bustling industry sphere, being responsible for overseeing operations can be both rewarding and challenging. This role demands constant adaptability to industry advancements while also remaining steadfast in maintaining high-quality standards throughout the production line. With dedication and commitment, a Production Supervisor at a chips factory has an opportunity not only to ensure smooth operations today but also contribute towards shaping the future success of Dubai’s thriving food manufacturing sector.

How to Apply

However, interested applicants will apply for the Production Supervisor jobs in Dubai. Also, attach related certificates, educational testimonials, experience certificates, skills certifications, and recent pictures. Therefore, forward the updated CV with a complete job description.

By Email:

Call: 0524304128

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